Rampant Heathen

Fee, fi, fo, fum; I smell the blog of an Englishman.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Short, stupid post

Well, I can't be bothered to blog (as ever). Even though there have been exciting events in my life, I'm merely posting today's entry to leave you with a few items to consider.

The first is a quote by someone I had previously respected. It is of course, Maha (an easy deduction to make, seeing as I only respect about three people in the world and one of them is Dennis Bergkamp, obviously). Lovely girl, a little too left wing for my liking (having said that, she likes skinning babies, which to me can only make her great) but all in all I thought she was intelligent, fun etc. I comment on her today because she finally said something so incredibly stupid that I can't help but mock her:

"don't diss a cultural hub like france, douchebag"

She also kicked me for the comment (she is very kick-happy) but I couldn't help but laugh. Cultural? France? Pssshhh. The only reason she thinks it's cultural is because America doesn't have a culture of its own (excl. the McDonalds lifestyle and the Chasing Youths With Guns phenomenon). There are plenty more cultural places in the world, all of them a million times more fascinating than France. Here are some ideas for those of you who have been misled into thinking France has culture:

1. Malaysia. This is Angie's homeland. She calls it the Mother country even though she was born and raised in Hackney (as all greats are). A portion of stir-fried noodles costs about 10p. Clean, white, fine-sand beaches. Buddhist temples. Hindu temples. Mosques. Lots of temples in fact. Lots of big hills to climb (Becca would do well there). This place is so multi-ethnic and so full of culture it makes Tower Hamlets seem like a White Trash suburb.

2. Malawi. Somewhere I myself have been and thoroughly recommend as a real eye-opener. You don't get the full extent of the rich/poor divide in the world unless you go to a place like this. This teaches you lessons you can never learn from a TV programme or from a speech. Live in a mud hut, bathe in dirty water, feed a starving child. Then go and lounge in your 5-star hotel room and browse your 346 channels on Sky TV. Can France change your perception of the world like this? No.

3. Australia. First things first, they make shit beer. But don't be put off by the piss-water. Australia is one of the few places in the world large enough to have vast, modern cities and then wild bushland less than a mile away from the centre of town. Sydney is home to the world's most famous opera house (and if you don't count opera as culture, you can just fuck off. Go on, stop reading now, philistine.) the Olympic village and the great big mofo that is the outback.

So there you have it. Three places more cultural than France off the top of my head, excluding the greatest place in the world (Hackney). I would've written a lot more, but I couldn't be bothered to list what is so great about all of them, because if you don't know, you are uneducated and not worthy of the visual feast that is my blog. Places better than France include Tanzania, South Africa, GERMANY (in its awesomeness in every way - history, architecture, language, natural spas etc) India, Russia, China, Japan, BRAZIL (had to do a case study on it for Geography GCSE and it sounds so utterly amazing that I will be unfulfilled if I die before seeing it), Uruguay, Nicaragua (the politics and history is fascinating), Spain, (Ethan now lists the rest of the countries of the world, in no particular order, as long as France is last).

Another thing I had to comment on today, was a link, which, unfortunately, Maha posted. Unfortunate because I used to respect this woman so much, but now she seems like a crazy old lady with a cat obsession. I'm now incredibly disillusioned. It's like being 14 all over again. This is the Earth-shattering link:


I wish I could tell you the name of the site is misleading and that it's actually a very funny, exciting link, but it's really not. 'What it says on the tin' should apply to Ronseal, not this link.

As an extension to the above, (she seems to be on a cat trip, perhaps her cat put something in her drink?) she also gave us this link, which is a novel idea but the cat wears an expression which can only mean "I hate you, you bastard, and the second I get out of this box I'm going to maul your face".


That is all, agent Mulder.


At Sunday, August 28, 2005 7:33:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loathe that word. "Hub". I associate the term "cultural hub" with garh, I can't express it... perhaps I am too uncultured. Hehe, I associate it with, hmm *strokes her auburn beard*. Well people who want to appear as they are cultured and elitist. I imagine a rich aristocratic couple emerging their private jet, surveying the up-its-own-arse area (for this sake, let's choose Gay Paris) and exclaiming so all can hear...

"Oh my, Jeeves! What a cultural hub!".


I am 99.8% sure that no one will understand the feeling I get when I hear the term "cultural hub" any clearer after the above waste of words.

In my opinion, there is culture in France but it goes by the name of Haute Couture. The elitist, snobby, oh-so-fashionable way of life that makes me come out in hives. It's the same faux-elitism and snobbishness that they deploy in their politics. I imagine uneducated people from the US would see France as some bizarre beacon of light. They don't get the real reasons France never went "to war". France is selfish and only cares for it's self. They try and hide behind "humanitarian" reasons, what bullshit, they wouldnt send aid as they "didn't create the problem".

My perfume is actually called Hot Couture, a play on words, and also ironic as there's about as much Haut Couture in Wales as there are ugly sheep.

Anyway, I digress. Or do I? *panics* I believe the culture people see in France and so heavenly praise, is the culture of self indulgence and a living of enjoying the finer and more expensive things of life. Yes. Quite some hub.

*spits on the eiffel tower*


Ooooh nice list of countries. Shotgun Brazil! (Yes I have a globe here and so can see the country in question.) Shotgun USSR! (the globe is as old as me :p)

At Sunday, August 28, 2005 7:51:00 pm, Blogger Slythergenic said...

Hahaha, I just read the third chapter, omg omg, I have lots to say to you.

*contains herself*

*bursts forth*

That mili character is bossy and annoying. Kill her off. And lmao SHORT???? You loved that didnt you :p. My one chance to be tall, in a fan fic, in the land of make believe. But noooo, first word out to describe me? SHORT. Why wasn't Wakko's height described? Who is this Wakko fella. I dont think I like the cut of his jib *peers closer* Botched circumcision if you ask me :o

And this made me laugh, "Ethan smiled sympathetically"

Haha yeah, like that's ever happened ;)

Can I please, please, please have a fake eye or a wooden leg or a horrible disease where I have to go round cloacked and in an iron mask. No, no, I got it! A METAL ASS!

I want to say something really sweet here but I wont cause other people might read it *runs away screaming*

*runs back wailing*

So I shall email it to you instead tomorrow.

At Sunday, August 28, 2005 10:26:00 pm, Blogger Ethan said...

*spits on the eiffel tower*



You didn't say you spat on the TOP of the Tour d'Eiffel. You could've spat on one of the bottom pillar-type things.

I think you'd look good with a wooden leg. In fact.. ooh... now there's an idea... oh yes.. I have great things planned for you.

All I shall say is I hope you know your cartoons.

-grins mischeviously- (as opposed to sympathetically cos I'm not so good at that)


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