Rampant Heathen

Fee, fi, fo, fum; I smell the blog of an Englishman.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Ranting and General Bitchiness

I don't want to glorify or even give the impression of condoning the following link, but I suppose it is necessary to understand the context of this blog:

Reading this blog made me realise that no one is ever going to bitch about me. And it's a shame, cos if people took the time to look beyond my flirty, friendly exterior, they'd find there is a perfect bastard residing underneath. But since no one is going to take the time to bitch me out, I thought I'd rant about myself instead.

Date: 29/01/07
Mood: Apathetic Enraged and female

omg i cant fcking believe that ethan guy. liek, who tf does he think he is? he just comes back frm uni now and then, and expects us all to be like 'woohoo yeah its ethan.' holy cow, i just wish he would like, stfu and die, cos he just is just one giant vagina crammed with crab pincers. srsly, he thinks hes like a fcking god or something. i wish people would see the truth about him. he pretends to be all that, but rly, he broke his leg ONE WEEK after leaving irc, he drinks too much and he hasnt had a steady gf since what? lst summer? what a fcking fag.

I hoep he trips ovr his own dick, falls off a cliff and dies impaled on enclaved's cok. Hes jst leik, such an effing slut! I HTE HIM!

So yeah, just felt like getting that out of my system. Another thought I had was that I don't bitch people out enough. I really should, but unlike the author of that xanga, I'm proud to put my hand up and say 'Yeh, I'm the bastard who denounced you as the son of a whore. Come and have a crack at me.'

So here's just something for you all to think about:

You're all a bunch of fucking tossers.
But I wouldn't like you any other way.

PS: Serious note: It's just irc. Lighten up, girls.